A Transformative Journey: Embracing AI in Education at iLearn Schools

As the CEO of iLearn Schools, my journey with AI, particularly since the advent of ChatGPT and similar products, has been nothing short of transformative. With these technologies shaping the future of education, I embarked on a mission to harness their potential both personally and for our organization.

My quest began with self-education about language models and the architecture behind ChatGPT. Twitter (X) proved an invaluable resource, keeping me abreast of updates and practical uses of AI. Following YouTubers who delve into AI advancements daily accelerated my learning curve.

Equipped with this newfound knowledge, I decided to apply AI to a specific project – revamping iLearn Schools' Administrative Evaluation System. This process, vital yet time-intensive, involved collecting and analyzing feedback from parents, students, and staff through structured focus groups.

First, we utilized ChatGPT to redesign our focus group questionnaire, aligning it with our evaluation standards. This initial step streamlined the questionnaire, making it more effective and easier to process.

Next, we shifted our focus group discussions to a digital platform, using Zoom for audio recording. This transition not only facilitated participation but also allowed for pre-visit organization. The digital meetings were a resounding success, ensuring confidentiality while efficiently capturing valuable insights.

Following this, we employed AI tools to transcribe these audio files into text. This transcribed data was then fed into a customized chatbot, designed to analyze patterns and sentiments. ChatGPT's sophisticated analysis provided targeted recommendations for each campus.

The result was a set of comprehensive, campus-specific reports, prepared and delivered to administrators before our site visits. This efficiency was remarkable – for 18 campuses, with each hosting three focus groups, we completed the enormous task of analysis and reporting in a significantly reduced time frame, thanks to new AI technology’s capabilities.

Buoyed by this success, our next step involves creating a custom chatbot for each campus, incorporating feedback from various groups. This tool will offer administrators immediate access to insights from parents, students, and staff.

My personal experience with AI since early 2023 has been immensely rewarding. ChatGPT has become akin to a chief of staff for me – always available, responsive, and efficient. It has transformed how we approach tasks at iLearn Schools, impacting everything from daily operations to strategic planning.

Looking ahead, I'm excited to witness the ongoing impact of AI in education and other sectors. At iLearn Schools, we're now establishing an AI department and creating AI project manager positions to develop custom solutions for our diverse needs.

Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting journey.


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